Wisdom Teeth Extractionin Whittier

Toothache, wisdom tooth pain, Loose tooth. Our Dentist can helps take you out of pain IMMEDIATELY!

Schedule an appointment with our highly skilled & experienced dentist at Perfect Smile Dental Group in Whittier to help take you out of pain TODAY!


What are Benefits of Wisdom Teeth extraction?

  • Immediate Pain Relief
  • Removing the Source of an Infection
  • Protecting the Rest of Your Teeth
  • Lower Risk of Future Problems
Woman having toothache

When is tooth extraction recommended?

Tooth extraction is recommended when there is severe tooth decay (cavities), fractured tooth, impacted tooth, crowded teeth. or severe gum disease where when the tooth is beyond saving.

Crowded teeth require extraction if patient plan on undergoing orthodontic treatment that require additional space for the teeth to move into alignment.

Impacted teeth require extraction if they cause pain and infection.

Severe gum disease can cause teeth to become loose beyond saving, thus dental extraction is necessary.

Post-Operative Instructions & Home Care

After an extraction, for the whole day, avoid exercising or lifting anything heavy that can cause bleeding at extraction site.

  • Do not spit, do not drink through a straw for 1 week because this action can disrupt the blood clot and causes bleeding.
  • Avoid eating any hard food, hot or spicy food that can irritate the extraction area.
  • Avoid smoking or chewing tobacco for 1 week after surgery as this can cause Dry Socket that can be Extremely Painful.   Alcohol should not be consumed while taking pain medication and/or antibiotics.

Bleeding and Oozing
Intermittent oozing is normal for up to 24 hours and can last longer if you are taking blood thinners. The blood will mix with saliva, so it is important to determine if there is active bleeding. The above instructions can be repeated, and then the gauze can be discontinued when the bleeding has subsided. Do not go to sleep with any gauze in your mouth.

Taking your pain medications with food to decrease the chance of nausea and stomachache.

Antibiotics are prescribed to treat or prevent infections, so take all of the medication as directed. Do not stop halfway as this can cause tolerance and decrease the effectiveness of the antibiotics the next time you need them.

Swelling from oral surgery is normal and reaches its maximum in 48 hours. Keeping the head elevated with 2 pillows when lying down can minimize facial swelling. Swelling can also be minimized by applying cold compresses to your face every hour (30 minutes on, 30 minutes off) for the first 48 hours. After 48 hours, warm compresses will help reduce the swelling. These should be continued (30 minutes on, 30 minutes off) until the swelling has subsided.

Avoid rinsing the mouth for 24 hours after surgery. It may disturb the clot. The following day, you may begin gently rinsing with warm (not hot) salt water. Dilute 1 teaspoon of salt in 8 ounces of warm water and rinse gently 3 or 4 times a day for 1 week.

Avoid brushing near the surgical sites the day of surgery, since there may be stitches that can be disturbed, as well as some soreness and swelling. Begin your normal hygiene routine as soon as possible and gently brush the areas you are comfortable with.

Frequently Asked Questions

Tooth extraction cost without insurance ranges between $250-$400 per tooth.

Advancement in dentistry has made getting tooth extraction a pain-free process. Local anesthetics are used to ensure patient comfort and a painless dental experience. Patients can experience some soreness and tenderness in the extraction site afterwards that can be remedied with over-the-counter pain medications.

After a tooth extraction, avoid exercising or lifting anything heavy that can cause bleeding. Consider it a personal day to prioritize your health. Avoid drinking through a straw or splitting, that can cause increased bleeding. Avoid spicy food that can irritate the extraction site. Avoid seeds that can get stuck in the socket and irritate the extraction site. Avoid Alcohol.

If you smoke, do not smoke for the next 7 days to prevent an EXTREMELY PAINFUL DRYSOCKET! Use a Nicotine patch in the meantime.

It is not necessary to take a day off work after a tooth extraction.  While at work, avoid exercising or lifting anything heavy that can cause bleeding. 

Bone graft is necessary after a tooth extraction to preserve the bone level at the extraction site in case you would like to place a dental implant in the future. Bone graft placement is necessary after a tooth extraction to preserve the bone level at the extraction site to prevent the nearby teeth from leaning into the empty space.

If you have a tooth pulled and don’t replace it, the bone surrounding the extracted tooth will resorb and cause the nearby teeth to shift and lean into the empty space. The opposing tooth will super-erupt (grow longer) into the empty space and hit the other teeth at an odd angle that may cause them to fracture.  Bone graft is necessary after a tooth extraction to preserve the bone level at the extraction site.  Missing tooth should be replaced with a dental implant or a Bridge to prevent teeth from shifting or super-erupting.

After a tooth extraction, you can start eating soft foods within a few hours. It is recommended that you eat soft foods and avoid any spicy foods and food with seeds that can irritate the extraction site.

After tooth extraction, these instructions are recommended for pain relief:
Lightly rinse with Saltwater.
Apply Ice packs.
Eat Soft Foods.
Take Pain medications (ibuprofen and acetaminophen combination)
Get Proper Rest.
Avoid Alcohol and Smoking.

Take Ibuprofen and acetaminophen together can provide the best pain relief after a tooth extraction. Ibuprofen & acetaminophen combination provides more effective pain relief than when taken by themselves. All medication should not exceed the recommended dosage indicated on the bottle.

Recovery time varies between patient to patient, but most people start feeling much better within 3 days. It takes up to 3 weeks for the gum to completely heal. It takes up to 3 months for the bone to completely heal.

You can brush your teeth after tooth extraction but be gentle and avoid the extraction site.  Afterwards, very lightly rinse with a cup of warm salt water to keep the extraction site clean to help with healing.

If you’ve were administered local anesthesia and is alert after the extraction, you can drive after a tooth extraction. If you feel groggy after a tooth extraction, you should have someone drive you home.

Curious about our Insurance Policy?

Perfect Smile Dental Group in Whittier accepts most insurance plans. Aetna, AlwaysCare, Unum, Anthem, Ameritas, Blue shield of California, Cigna, Careington Care, Delta Dental, Geha, Guardian, Humana, Metlife, Principal, Sun Life, United Healthcare. See how simple and affordable better oral health can be!
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